Three Internal Metrics for Marketing Team Efficiency

How do you measure the efficiency of your marketing team? It’s often noticeable when efficiency increases or drops, but it’s difficult to quantify. However, it’s essential to track internal metrics and processes if you want your marketing efforts to continue to reach new levels of success.

A huge part of ensuring marketing strategy success is being able to predict how a marketing team will operate. Today, we’re discussing three metrics you should rely on to glean important information about how your team will work together and how efficiently work will get done.

Frequency of Work Interruptions

Your team needs to be able to work steadily and uninterrupted in order to maximize efficiency. If they’re repeatedly interrupted by outside issues, they’ll be unable to do their jobs as well. As a manager, it’s important to make sure that your team has the time management skills needed to handle interruptions as they occur and to work to prevent them before they even happen.

To measure the frequency of work interruptions, ensure that every member of your team is keeping track of their time using a time tracking tool like Harvest or Tick. Moreover, make sure they’re noting when a task gets interrupted to work on something else. Not only does this allow you a full picture of which tasks take the most time, but it allows you to see the length of time each member spends remedying an interruption.

On-time Delivery Rate

Are elements of your campaign coming in late? If so, it’s likely impeding the progression of other operations. Keep track of when your team is delivering work late, and analyze the situation to determine why work is not being delivered in a timely manner. It may be that the work is overly difficult, expectations are too high or the assignment can be streamlined to take less time and deliver the same results.

Keeping track of how efficiently your team is able to deliver assets also keeps you accountable to your end date and overall campaign timeline. By knowing how long it takes to deliver different campaign elements, you’ll better be able to plan and predict how long it will take to deliver similar items in the future.

Percent of Campaign Completion

In order to increase predictability, you need to keep track of how far you are to campaign completion. Not only should you track completed milestones, but also budget spend and recorded hours in order to identify where you’re wasting time and what’s working well as you build your campaign. In the process, you may recognize ways to make your work more efficient, either through restructuring your team, bringing in external consultants to handle specific campaign elements, or both.

Keeping track of the progression of your campaigns and milestone metrics will also help you  stay accountable to higher-ups in the marketing department and your company as a whole. When they ask for a snapshot of your progress, you’ll have an accurate view of where things stand.

Let us know: how are you keeping your marketing team efficient and accountable to data?