How the New Marketing Value Chain Makes a Bigger Impact

As we talked about last week, the new marketing value chain provides B2B and healthcare companies with more opportunities than ever to affect the world around them. Today, we’re going to go into depth about how a data-centered approach bests the old “rules and tools” value chain not just in terms of business effectivity, but also in promoting the greater good.


“Rules and tools” is an inherently limited philosophy to work by. How would you feel if someone told you that because written content has been so successful for so long, you should just stick to it and disregard any new forms of content creation?

The new marketing value chain allows marketing to be more flexible and more creative so that it reaches many different people on many different platforms. These messages need to be molded to fit the different audiences on these platforms, allowing more room for creativity in your marketing. As we talked about in our last post, more and more consumers are valuing a business’s commitment to social responsibility when they make their buying decision, so there’s more chance to creatively add impact into your messaging.


This one is easy: we’ve talked many times on the blog about how paying attention to data allows you to more efficiently and accurately target your messaging to different audiences. This efficiency directly relates to how your business can promote social sustainability. You’re able to show through your marketing practices your commitment to sustainable business, cutting out any excess or unnecessary steps and ensuring that business is moving as effectively as possible. If that isn’t a sustainable business practice, what is?

Moreover, you can more easily build relationships with other businesses that value social sustainability through targeting. Building up a network of like-minded potential clients not only makes business sense, but allows you to establish yourself as a leader in the social sustainability sphere.


Data holds you accountable to your actions. It provides evidence of your business operations–and this is incredibly valuable when you want to show how you behave in a socially sustainable way. If you have the data to back up your expenses and investments to show that you are behaving in a way that benefits the greater good, you show that your business is a model for corporate responsibility.

Let us know: how does the evolving marketing value chain help your business operate with more sustainability and social consciousness?

Photo credit: Denzel via Pixabay