Is Your Marketing Firm a Growth Partner? 10 Questions You can Ask to Be Sure

What is a growth partner? A marketing firm is a growth partner if it will work closely with your organization to scale and adapt along with you. A true growth partner will provide your organization with the tools and the guidance you need to grow exponentially.

Maximize your chances of a successful partnership by asking your marketing firm these questions:

Does your marketing plan account for growth?

A firm that will grow with your organization should be making long-term plans. A marketing plan that focuses entirely on achieving a short-term spike in revenue may help your organization become a “one-hit wonder,” but a growth partner will focus on nurturing loyal leads. A growth-focused marketing plan will lay the groundwork for an approach that can adapt when your organization scales.

What is your expertise?

Hire a marketing firm that has a track record of success. Specifically, look for a firm that has proven results that are relevant to your organization.

How do you personalize a marketing plan for each client?

The best growth partners have experience and connections that they can draw on to market your business, but are also willing to personalize their strategies to fit your needs.

Are you data-driven?

In 2014, any marketing plan that isn’t using data is destined to fall behind. A true growth partner will recognize this, and already have robust data-driven strategies in place.

How do you unify campaigns across platforms?

With so many digital marketing options, it’s crucial to keep a consistent brand and messaging approach across channels. This is especially true for small organizations hoping to scale.

How do you work with organizations of different sizes?

A growth partner will recognize where you are right now and where you want to be. Instead of a “one-size-fits-all” approach, the firm should offer customized solutions that reflect your organization’s unique needs.

What data analysis tools do you use?

A knowledgeable firm should be able to talk about the tools and the people behind their data analysis. Make sure you partner with a firm that isn’t just collecting information, but making the most of it.

Why you?

How well can the firm market itself? Ask for the sales pitch. What are the firm’s differentiating factors?

What do you see on the marketing horizon?

A growth partner must be dynamic, adapting their marketing approach as the digital landscape changes. Make sure the firm you choose is marketing for today and tomorrow, not last year. A firm that is focused on growth should always be looking ahead. While no one can foresee all the rapid changes in the digital marketing landscape, an experienced firm will have plans for a variety of circumstances.  

Advice for Going forward

If you need more from your firm, these questions can still help. Talk to your marketing firm about how they can adapt now to today’s marketing landsape. That means beginning now with the practices listed above. To become a growth partner, your firm needs to begin looking forward, and using data to create dynamic campaigns with lasting value.

Photo Credit: Sven Schlager via Unsplash