How Data Relates to the B2B Buying Cycle

As we’ve said before, the digital age has transformed the B2B sales funnel to a point that some consider to be barely recognizable. Today’s customers  research products thoroughly before even speaking to a member of the sales team, leading themselves through a process of questioning and discovery that often falls outside the seller’s realm of influence. Thanks to the internet, the three-stage sales funnel of the past has become a twisting path that leaves marketers unsure of when prospects need the most attention.

The new sales cycle no longer feels safe or predictable. In fact, marketers seem  to be at the mercy of the self-informed buyer. When prospects have access to endless amounts of information and aren’t afraid to use it in decision-making, how can they be coaxed to the end of the funnel? Sure, it’s a complex question, but we have the answer. Put simply, it’s critical that marketers employ advanced data-driven insight to reach out to leads with the right information at the right time.

Here are a few ways to use data analysis to do just that:

1. Your CRM Saves the Day

Customer Relationship Management Software has never been more important than it is today. It’s critical for your company to find a robust tool that integrates social media, email and web behavior data with your contact list. By taking a look at what gets prospects to engage with your company, you can develop marketing campaigns to combat even the most complicated sales cycles.

2. Get Smart With Content Marketing

Content marketing has been receiving wide acclaim for its ability to attract and convert. While it certainly has that potential, it can’t do either for your company without data-driven insights to guide the strategy. Approach content marketing with knowledge of your customers’ biggest pain points, and develop solutions to their problems that add value to their everyday lives. After doing so, your company will be top of mind when it’s time to make a purchase.

3. Measure and Drive Engagement

Last week, we discussed engagement on the blog. While it’s important to increase engagement among leads and customers, it’s impossible to do so without a dedicated measurement system. Use an advanced CRM tool, Google Analytics or the sophisticated web analysis system of your choice to constantly monitor what gets your customers’ attention and why. Use that information to guide every decision you make and shape marketing campaigns to be effective in the modern sales cycle.

How has your company’s sales cycle evolved?

Photo Credit: Sakura via Flickr Creative Commons