How to Inspire Employees with Your Own Thought Leadership

This month, we’re focusing the blog on internal investment. Topics will include professional development, company culture and a host of other things that support a company’s greatest asset: its employees. Some executives cringe when they hear the words professional development, assuming it requires expensive conferences and education grants. At most companies, however, a great place for employees to learn is right down the hall.

When companies capitalize on the expertise of their own thought leaders, it works well for everyone. It reduces costs associated with external professional development, and it strengthens resident thought leadership from the top down. It provides newer employees with insight that’s already valuable to the company, which affords them job security and a direction for growth. Often, internal leaders are happy to share their knowledge with less experienced staff members, but the challenge is making time for it amidst busy deadlines.

Here are three ways to celebrate your thought leaders’ successes with minimal time and effort:

1. Regular Email Updates

If your company has a leader who is frequently published or featured as a guest speaker, circulate a regular email sharing that work with the entire staff. It keeps everyone aware of the company’s public reputation, and it celebrates hard work and achievement. At Movéo, we’re proud to celebrate the thought leadership of our Vice President of Strategy & Planning Kevin Randall. His work regularly appears in Fast Company, Forbes and most recently, Vanity Fair.

2. Start a Thought Leadership Board

In the common room, consider adding a thought leadership board to post articles, content marketing pieces and special event photos. Keeping this work front and center inspires younger employees to work towards similar success, leaving the company in good hands for the future.

3. Encourage Connecting With Leaders Over Lunch

Because busy schedules make mentorship difficult, we suggest inviting your resident thought leader to share points from a recent initiative, article or event to a group of younger employees over lunch. Without taking too much of anyone’s time, your company will be strengthened with deeper relationships, and less experienced employees will glean insight on what it takes to work at the level of your company’s top executives.

Does your company celebrate thought leadership in everyday ways? Give it a try, and let us know if it makes an impact.