Engaging B2B Prospects Throughout the Buying Cycle

Today, we begin our series on engagement by discussing one of the most important groups: your target. Engaging prospects is an art that’s been long explored by marketers, though it’s changed a lot in recent years thanks to the internet and social media. While it might be easier to engage leads at some points in the cycle with those tools, at other times it seems nearly impossible to break through the chatter. In B2B marketing, the process of engaging targets is particularly complex.

B2B buying cycles are long and involve multiple people, so keeping prospects engaged from start to finish is no easy feat. Marketers are faced with the challenge of not only attracting potential buyers to their content, but inspiring them to take action. Believe it or not, the secret to engaging prospects is something that some might associate more closely with B2C marketing:

Provide interactive experiences.

Here are four ways to get started:

1. Know your customers

Here at Movéo, we believe firmly in data-driven strategies. With that in mind, it’s important to remember that no engagement plan is complete without a careful examination of the information you have relating to prospects. Whether it’s part of your database or an analysis of your site traffic, there is much to be discovered before you can engage targets on their terms. To go a step further, remember that B2B buyer personas can be more powerful than ever, if used correctly. In the words of Ardath Arbee, don’t let them stay in the closest.

2. Make interaction simple.

B2B prospects are balancing a lot at work and weighed down by the importance of their decision; after all, their professional reputation might be at stake. With that in mind,  make it simple and enjoyable for them to engage with your brand. For example, make forms that require an easy click rather than multiple fields.

3. Invest in content.

B2B content requires extensive strategy and planning, because it needs to be irresistible to your target. Make sure it’s relevant to their needs and solves their problems. Your company should know what they need before they realize it themselves. For more help, check out our content series on the blog.

4. Be human.

B2B companies who humanize the marketing process find great success. To get there, think beyond the technical nature of your niche, and consider the people making the decisions. Put yourself in their shoes and understand their fears and questions related to the industry. Social media has made it easier to start these conversations in a human-to-human way that’s healthy for any brand.

Does your brand provide interactive experiences for prospects?

Image via (cc) Pete