Managing Partner Guest Post: Is branding still relevant?

I hope you enjoyed one or more of the posts in our recent series, “10 Simple Truths About Strong Brands.”

The topic of branding has been overshadowed, as of late, by significant shifts in the technology landscape; “Big Data,” programatic buying and marketing automation largely own the headlines today. It’s easy to see why, as they are true agents of change worthy of the discussion they are getting. In the ninth post in this series, “Strong Brands Stay In Motion,” the point was made that brands must stay relevant. In light of technology’s impact, a fair question to ask is if branding itself is still relevant.

My answer is an unequivocal “yes.”

Brands are a constant. Technology may change what is around them, but the things they provide –– to the organizations that own them and the customers who covet them –– will never lose their importance. Yes, mining data may inform strategy, programatic buying may add efficiency to media spends, and marketing automation may enhance the ability to acquire customers.

But ultimately, brand affinity is not a function of technology, it is a measure of strength.

How it correlates with business growth may be one day more quantifiable (Movéo is working on this very goal), but how to make brands truly “glow,” my term for the rare quality found in best brands, will remain beyond rote prescription.

Brands, though influenced by a user experience that can be improved through technology, live in a far more subtle realm than experience –– that of perception. The minute you think you’ve got them indexed and calibrated, is when you find out that there is much more to them than that.

So by all means use the numbers. Just make sure you’re not completely coloring your brand by them.