Visual storytelling for B2B – 3 Tips

Today, we’re tackling a reality of successful content strategy that can be intimidating for B2B-ers– good content is visual content. Visual stimulation is simply part of our culture, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. Armed with that knowledge, It’s important for content marketers to stay ahead of the game. Highly complex B2B companies might think this isn’t their territory, but they’re wrong.

The key to B2B visual storytelling is to think outside the box. Here are three tips:

Data = Art

That’s right, data can be beautiful. Some niche B2B companies might not be comfortable with visual content, but they probably feel right at home with numbers and information. Take that insight, and make it visual. Rich infographics are a perfect match for B2B, and sites like Good and make it easy for anyone to tackle in-house.

Humans at Every Company

There are humans at every company, so find a way to tell their story. Photographs and videos of company culture draw viewers in on a personal level and find that human voice. Share info about industry events in a visual way, too – your brand’s ability to be personable will result in more leads and eventually, more sales.

Humor Always Works

Everyone likes to laugh, B2B or not. Consider using memes or gifs in your newsletters, emails or social content. They tell your story in an unexpected way and engage your community through humor. Who knows? That could be your most valuable untapped tool.

Whether you create product videos or share photos of company parties, visual content is certain to increase engagement.

How has visual storytelling worked for you?

Image via (cc) Gavin St. Ours