By now, we’re sure you agree – a content strategy is key to effective content marketing. The truth of the matter, though, is that it’s intimidating. As a marketer, you’re probably consumed with content production in the here and now, and planning for the future might feel next to impossible.

Small business marketers tend to feel this pain more than those at large companies, where bigger departments find themselves with more time for strategy. But at a big company, getting your plan through the necessary levels of bureaucracy can be discouraging. All of these problems can be solved by following one key rule:

Consult the tools you already have.

Even if you don’t have a content strategy, your company surely has a business plan and supporting marketing strategy. These will be your biggest help. Whether you need to get a content strategy off the ground or have it approved by the powers that be, including key elements of your company’s overarching vision will make it much easier.

You know your target, your niche and your company’s goals.

So, use them. Revisit the market research to understand what your target really wants and the quirks of your B2B niche. Next, study your company’s immediate and long-term goals. To form your content strategy, determine exactly how your target will help reach those goals, and think of your content as a friendly message to help get them there.

Your content is simply a natural extension of existing guidelines.

Understanding that makes it less intimidating — and more successful. Adding strategic details and data makes your content plan comprehensive, but using what you already know as a foundation guarantees success.

What served as the foundation of your content strategy?

Image via (cc) Jeff Kubina