Brian Davies, managing partner at Movéo, has great things to say about content marketing. In this free white paper – “The 5 New Laws of Content,” the first law is the Law of Consumption: As the rate of content consumption increases, the value of fresh content increases.

Consumption rates are clearly climbing, which raises a big question. How can marketers provide fresh content at today’s breakneck speed? In our world of constant sound bites, it’s hard to believe that less is more. Marketers often fall into the trap of “more is more,” leading to exhaustion and content that just isn’t that great.

As we discussed, a documented content strategy helps. But if you’re wondering how to keep up with consumption and preserve value, we have some tips.

Three ways to eliminate chatter and get more value out of less content:

1. Recycle, repurpose, reuse.

Yes, really. Recycling valuable content isn’t cheating; it’s encouraged, and it’s okay if it isn’t yours. When it resonates with your community, sharing someone else’s content demonstrates you understand what your customers need and want. It’s almost like you’re a close friend passing along an article you know they’ll love.

2. Keep your target in mind.

As Brian points out in the white paper, it’s important for all content to have the strategic goals of your organization in mind. Instead of producing content for content’s sake, design everything to meet the needs of your audience. When they find value in your material, they’ll find value in your brand or product.

3. Headlines are your best friend.

Even if you’re a great writer, there’s an art to creating headlines that cut through the clutter. Learn what it is and use it every day. What makes a headline clickable? It has to be intriguing, yes, but it depends partly on your audience. Consult your data to see which posts have gotten the most traffic, and dissect why those worked. Then, you’ll be armed to market your content in ways that really work.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but with content, less really is is more. Be smart and strategic, and your audience will thank you.