Hail to the bird – 3 tips to make your tweets better

This week is reserved for Twitter on the blog. With millions of users and tweets each day, it can be overwhelming to try to use the platform effectively for your company. We’ve put together our top three Twitter tips to share today and we guarantee that with a bit of thoughtful execution, they won’t let you down.

Consistency is king

Some people say content always reigns, but not on Twitter. Your posts matter, but the most important thing is to be consistent. Just keep showing up, day after day, and try to engage with someone new whenever you can. Your regularity will make a strong impression on prospects. They’ll see that you take Twitter seriously, and as a result, they’ll take you seriously, too. Don’t just use it to promote yourself and your content. Share things with general value. Your followers will thank you.


Hashtags automatically make your posts more searchable. If you are concerned with gaining followers or traction in an industry, find the related hashtag. You’ll notice that others who follow that hashtag will find you. Using one or two strategic hashtags per post can be a goldmine when it comes to building a high-quality community. Be meaningful, and use them sparingly, and you’ll reap great rewards.


Yes, pictures again. Last week, we discussed Facebook as a highly visual medium (link). Twitter is more based in text, but users still love photos. Followers might be more likely to share or retweet a post with an effective visual. And since everyone doesn’t do it, you’ll stand out. Use photos to tell your story!

We’d love to hear how Twitter is working for you. Are you engaging your followers?

Image credit: romana klee