Bring these things front & center to boost your success rate

Today’s step to Re-envision your goals might be an unexpected one. Some might think it is completely unnecessary others consider it the key to their success. When it comes to realizing your goals, this piece is crucial:


When setting goals, it is easy to write them down in a notebook — and shut the book, leaving it untouched on a shelf for the rest of the year. That notebook, and the goals inside it, are usually forgotten.

Instead, why not display your plans front and center?

Visual representations of your goals are key to reaching them. Seeing a daily reminder of your plans will keep you steadfast in your discipline to get there. If you have an in-house design department, ask for their creative input. They can assist you in creating visualizations of what your goals will look like when they are accomplished. This is a subtle way to keep your team encouraged and working towards the final product.

Offer small, desk-sized versions of your goals for employees, and display them in high-traffic areas of the office. Don’t hold your design team back in creation. Outlandish and outside-the-box, in this case, is your best bet. The more attention your goals get from you team, the stronger the reminder to keep working towards them!

Are your company’s goals visually represented at the office? If so, how?

Image credit: Britt Reints