What does the rest of 2013 look like for your company?

For the past few weeks, we have taken stock of this year. You have thought about the status of your company through the lens of its history and values, and you have thought about where you stand in terms of reaching goals set back in January.

We took week one to Revisit, week two to Reset, and this week, we will Re-envision.

Not losing sight of the exploration that took place over the past two weeks, think about the months that lie ahead. What big events or hurdles are approaching? They can be better tackled with the deeper knowledge you have gained about your business. Big upcoming pitches will be more successful when re-framed by this process – and industry events or conferences you attend will become more useful.

As you think about the months to come and how to jump those hurdles while working toward your overarching business goals, don’t be afraid to think big. Your freshly revisited understanding of your company’s direction has put you in the perfect position to make plans that are audacious and intimidating, yet attainable.

While making those plans, pay attention to patterns that have surfaced in your analysis. After all the work you have put in to re-examine what has taken place since January, you should be able to predict difficult business situations before they arise. Your company probably has some trends and habits that present themselves more often than you’d like, getting in the way of reaching your goals.

By predicting bumps in the road, you can be better prepared to step over them and move on.

What patterns threaten or boost your goals for the end of the year?

Image credit: Fields of View