Pairing SEO + SEM for search marketing success

We hope you have enjoyed Movéo’s recent exploration of search marketing. Understanding the differences between SEO and SEM, however, is just the tip of the iceberg. Neither method works as effectively without the other, and paired together wisely, they unquestionably offer great success.

To sum up the past two weeks, here is a brief summary of our best SEO and SEM tips:

Share your keywords

The secret to using SEO and SEM in tandem is utilizing keywords effectively. SEO campaigns are a good way to explore what keywords bring you traffic and social referrals. Those keywords might work very well in your next SEM campaign. SEM keywords will show you what words actually lead to conversion, which can influence SEO assets and content strategy.

Quality content drives everything

One of the biggest commonalities between SEO and SEM is content. Investing in quality content strategy and development will help both types of campaigns work successfully. This includes keyword optimization but extends to blog content, website page copy, social messaging and ad content, to name a few. Making copy smart, relevant and original influences SEO and social success but also directly impacts SEM costs and rank. In theory, increasing your quality rating with Google both lowers the cost of your SEM campaign and generates more leads through search page results.

Analyze the data

Google Analytics offers a comprehensive way to track content as it relates to social media and website traffic, but there are countless other software platforms that can help, too. They are accessible to any budget and provide data in various ways to be understood by various people. Marketers simply must analyze their data to achieve optimal results with SEO and SEM. The possibilities of relating traffic and conversion to content-driven search campaigns are nearly endless.

For more information, take a look at our past posts on SEO 101 and SEM 101. We believe search marketing is truly for everyone.

(Image credit: Mohammed Alami)