At the end of January, social media saw the introduction of Vine, a new video sharing tool that was purchased by Twitter last year. Vine allows its users to share six second videos on Facebook and Twitter, and while the application is currently only available to iOS users, Twitter hopes to eventually introduce it to other platforms. The stop-motion videos produced by Vine are strangely addictive in nature, perhaps because of the GIF-like quality created by the touch-sensitive record function. They play on a mesmerizing, repetitive loop within the app.

Marketers had mixed reactions to Vine. At the very moment they felt mastery of social media networks, another one popped on the scene. B2B companies are not exempt. They, too, are left wondering if Vine is another tool that they should adopt. Because Vine is so seamlessly integrated with Twitter, companies who have a large following there may find it especially useful. Here are three potential uses for B2B marketers:

Showcase your products in action

Vine offers the perfect way to show your Twitter followers – in more than 140 characters – exactly what products you’re offering them. A fun stop-motion video can show a product being used in various ways, along with the customer reaping its benefit.

Put a face to a name

Fans of your company may already know some of your salespersons by name from tweets, blog posts, or emails. Vine allows you to enhance the customer’s feeling of personal connection by, quite literally, making an introduction. Do a Vine mini-series that introduces your key salespersons and their hobbies.

Invite viewers to the office

If your company has a dynamic office culture, use Vine to show it off. Customers will feel like they know your brand more intimately when they see the fun, genuine people behind it. They will also feel more comfortable incorporating it into their own life when they see how it influences yours.

Has your company experimented with Vine? Share your feedback in the comments below!

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