An Easy Way to Get Up to Speed on Social Media

As we noted on Monday, most CMOs feel that they don’t have the tools and resources they need to manage social media. Keeping up with the ever-changing world of social is no easy feat, unless you know Laura Roeder.

We discovered Laura’s site Social Media Marketer a few months ago, and were immediately impressed by the depth of tutorials and tools on the site. Laura’s company LKR Social Media is devoted to making social media easy and accessible for busy marketers through videos, courses and online trainings, and we can attest firsthand to the fact that they do just that.

If you’re struggling to keep up with social, we think you shouldn’t wait another day to check out While some of Laura’s resources are free (the free newsletter is a great starting point) the real value lies behind a paid subscription wall. You’ll find resources like:

  • Video guides to setting up social media monitoring
  • Comprehensive Twitter checklists
  • Audio tutorials on just about any social media-related subject you can think of

You’ll also find courses like:

  • Zero to Social SEO
  • Blogging for Business
  • Advanced Social Media Metrics & Data

We think these resources are invaluable for busy marketers who need a little help keeping up with social media. Check out Social Media Marketer and let us know if you agree.

Of course, if you want to go deeper in the social space, we’re here to help. Contact us here to learn more.

Photo credit: LKR Social Media