Three Ways B2B Managers Can Start 2013 off on the Right Note

Today—the first workday of 2013—represents a fresh start for individuals and businesses alike. The New Year is a chance to look back to the past, figure out what worked and what didn’t, and adjust for the future. It’s an opportunity to put new plans into action, recognize new metrics for success, and strive for new heights.

This first day back in the office may be hectic, but we hope you won’t miss the opportunity to take a few simple steps that will help you start 2013 off on the right note at work:

  1. Get really clear on your goals. It’s tough to reach new heights if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. Take the time to develop a short list of SMART goals (3-5 max) that you will focus on exclusively this year. Make sure you have total clarity about what success will look like by attaching a quantitative measure and a timeline for each goal. Our recent post on goal setting is a great resource.
  2. Make an “only me” list. Most of the tasks we complete at work fit into one of four buckets: things we enjoy doing and are extremely effective at, things we enjoy doing but aren’t all that effective at, things we dislike doing but are effective at, and things we dislike and are ineffective at. Make it your mission to find a way to make the majority of your work fall into the first bucket in 2013. Start this task now by creating an “only me” list of the tasks that you must complete, whether you like doing them or not. Then, begin thinking about ways you can delegate anything that is not on the list. As the year goes on, you should begin delegating the tasks from your “only me” list that you dislike or are ineffective at as well, with the end goal of filling your plate only with tasks you enjoy and are effective at.
  3. Prioritize the tactics that matter most. If your company is like most B2B businesses, your 2013 marketing plan is filled with a long list of channels and tactics that will play a role in building your brand in 2013. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. To make sure you are able to stay focused in the year ahead, pick 2-3 tactics to prioritize in 2013, either for your company as a whole if you work for a small business, or for yourself as an individual if you’re part of a larger marketing department. Think about which tactics have the most potential to help you achieve your larger business objectives and which ones you are most capable of executing well when deciding what to prioritize.

What else are you doing to make sure you start the year off on a positive note?

Image credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg