3 Ways to Get Ready New LinkedIn Company Pages

As you may already know, LinkedIn rolled out a new look and feel for its company pages to select big name users last week. The new design, which looks more than a little bit like Facebook’s timeline, will be available for all company pages later this year.

Unless you work for PhilipsCitiHP or Dell, you can’t take advantage of the new design just yet, but you can certainly prepare for the impending rollout so that you’re ready to go when the new pages become available to your company. Here are a few ways to do just that:

  • Choose a highlighted photo. Much like the new Facebook timeline, the new LinkedIn company pages have one large, horizontal photo front and center. Choose a photo that will look good in a horiztonal layout and that clearly communicates the essence of your brand or company culture. Highlighted photos appear to be 640 pixels high x 220 pixels wide.
  • Create product and service descriptions. If you haven’t developed product and service descriptions for LinkedIn yet, now is the time. Thought products and services do appear on the current company pages, they’ll be much more prominent in the new page setup. Make sure to include an image for each product or service to achieve maximum impact.
  • Build LinkedIn updates into your content calendar. Many LinkedIn users have been hesitant to post frequent status updates on the network because they don’t want to bombard their professional connections with too much content. LinkedIn’s new company pages will make it easy to share content only with the specific groups you want to reach, allowing you to share relevant information only with the people you feel will want to see it most. With these new capabilities, there is no reason to refrain from sharing on LinkedIn. Start thinking about the specific groups you want to share with and drafting potential status updates that will be of interest to them.
How are you preparing for the new LinkedIn company pages? Tell us in the comments.
Featured image via TechCrunch.
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