Using LinkedIn’s Targeted Status Updates to Build Your B2B Network

In case you haven’t heard, LinkedIn introduced a new feature that could be very valuable for B2B companies last week. Their new Targeted Status Updates for company pages will allow companies to target their connections by any number of factors (industry, company size, title etc.) and then send specific status updates only to certain groups.

Wondering how you can use this new feature to your advantage? Here are a few tips:

Tailor your content to specific industries. Targeted Status Updates are especially valuable for B2B companies that operate in a variety of different industries. We suggest creating LinkedIn groups for each industry you serve, and then sharing unique industry insights with each group individually.

Engage the C-Suite. C-suite decision makers are notoriously difficult to reach on social media. Try sending targeted status updates only to those with C-level titles, and centering those updates about content that high-level decision makers care about to get your foot in the door.

Find and screen candidates. LinkedIn can be a great tool for finding new employees and screening job candidates, but constant recruiting updates from your company’s page might annoy your regular connections. Use Targeted Status Updates to send this content only to those you consider to be “on the market” for a job with your company.

Have you found any other useful applications of the Targeted Status Update yet? We’d love to hear!