Three B2B Social Media Lessons from GE

At Movéo, we believe there is no better way to learn about the future of our industry than from leaders at successful B2B companies. That’s why we jumped at the chance to attend last week’s BMA luncheon with GE’s Executive Director of Global Digital Marketing, Linda Boff.

Before the event, we posted about some of the things we were hoping to learn from Linda, but her presentation gave us so much more than just the answers to our questions from last week’s post. That’s why we’ve decided to share the top three lessons about B2B social media that we took away from the event.

  1. Business is social. Gone are the days when social media mattered only to consumer-driven companies. This isn’t the first time we’ve realized how powerful social can be for B2B, but nothing has driven the point home like learning about the success that GE has had with social media in the industrial, manufacturing and B2B spaces.
  2. Social media doesn’t require a big budget. For one of the biggest players in B2B social media, GE’s social spend is somewhat small. Linda told us that GE’s social team includes a social media manager, several “quasi-interns” and a community management agency that handles day-to-day execution. If they can generate the results we’ve seen so far with a team of that size, there is no reason that small companies should feel that social media success is out of their reach.
  3. Content requires context to be effective. Linda is a big advocate of content marketing, but she was quick to point out that content can’t exist in a vacuum. For content to reach its full potential, it must exist in the context of a community that is passionate about the information being shared. When social media and content marketing work together, great things happen.

Were you at the event? If so, we’d love to hear what you learned from Linda.

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