What the New WC3 Privacy Standard Means for Branding

In a new white paper out today from Movéo Integrated Branding, our VP of interactive Services is discussing the World Wide Web Consortium’s new privacy standard and its implications for B2B branding. The white paper is a must-read for anyone who involved in marketing their company on the web.

Here’s are a few of the main points:

  • A new standard. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recently released an initial draft of their new standard designed to improve online privacy. The standard builds off a bit of technological innovation called the “Do Not Track” (DNT) HTTTP , which is a small bit of code that the browser uses to communicate with a web server that allows users to tell websites they do not wish to be tracked.
  • Implications for marketers. This new standard affects our ability as marketers, to collect data about how users are interacting with the site and turn that data into insights that help us personalize our content and make it more relevant to the user.
  • Compliance issues. Site owners and advertisers that do not  embrace the DNT standard will face the wrath of angry consumers and consumer advocacy groups. However, there’s no denying that site owners and advertisers will still want –– and need –– to target their messages.
  • A changing environment. Targeted advertising is changing. Users are taking more control over how, when and where advertisers can identify them –– a trend that will only be amplified by the new DNT standard.
Want to find out how we think marketers can solve the potential problems posed by the new regulation? Then read the full white paper here. When you’re done, tell us what you think. Will the new standard change the way you go about marketing your company on the web?