Welcome to our brand new Movéo blog, Get There! We’re excited to take fresh approach to sharing content with the new blog, and are committed to bringing you our thoughts and opinions on the hottest topics in B2B marketing.

Here’s what you can expect: each week, we’ll add our voice to the discussion on B2B marketing with posts on topics like lead generation, social media, marketing automation and branding. As a leading integrated branding agency serving B2B clients like Molex, CareerBuilder and Abbott, we’re well versed in the making of successful B2B marketing, and we love to talk about it. We’re also a curious bunch that enjoys following industry news and adding our own point of view. Get There will feature posts from across our agency — from Managing Partner Brian Davies to Director of Brand Strategy and Research, Kevin Randall.

We hope you’ll add your own voice to the discussion as well. Please feel free to join in by commenting here, tweeting @moveo or visiting us on Facebook, and subscribe to our RSS feed to keep us close by.