Many brand-building efforts begin with development of the strategy and then proceed directly to an external launch. The most important step is ignored — communicating the essence and relevance of the brand among all internal stakeholders — making it the fabric of the organization.

The most successful organizations understand that if employees are aligned with the brand strategy, including the brand promise, they will deliver a consistent expression of the brand to its customers.

Powerhouse brands such as Mayo Clinic and GE are prime examples. Each has dedicated itself to helping its employees understand the power of the brand and have reaped the benefits of a consistent brand expression delivered at every touch point.

Building a brand-based culture is not about creating short-term “buzz.” It is about developing a genuine and ongoing commitment.  To create a brand-centric environment, you have to ensure that employees are living the brand consistently on a daily basis.

Developing a vibrant brand-based culture requires the organization team members to go through three stages:

1. Merely being aware of the brand and what it stands for (“Hearing It”)
2. Understand their role in delivering against the brand promise (“Believing it”)
3. Becoming passionate advocates for the brand (“Living It”)

If the employees are not living this brand every day, it will fundamentally impede the growth and success of the organization. In fact, studies have shown that up to 86% of employees who interface with customers, are communicating inaccurate or incomplete vital information.

How well aligned is your organization with your brand?