Semantic judgments of search engine marketing

Do a search on “learn Google AdWords” and the word “secret” is likely to appear in at least a few of the ads you see displayed. Then the advertiser will tell you how fast and easy their system is to teach you how to do it. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Sure, in two or three days you can learn how to navigate the interface and set up an account physically. But lets face it, there is going to be a lot of trial and error as you try to use the keywords that Google suggests, many of which have nothing to do with your business. Many beginners simply select all of the keywords that Google suggests and then wonder why the account has a high CPC, low Quality Scores, and horrible CTR (much less ROI).

Selecting the keywords that will work well in search marketing is a process that involves researching keywords, the more tools the better. Then the keywords must be sorted, organized, and semantic judgment must be applied.

I’ve started talking recently about semantic judgement in forums and other people’s blogs, and the effects of having it, on PPC marketing. So what exactly do I mean by semantic judgement? Do a search for “semantic judgement” on Google and most of what you see is academics dealing with the learning process in children, intelligence, and special needs individuals and someone who picked up one of my previous statements on the topic.

Semantic Judgement – The process of intelligently discerning the multiplicity of meanings of words and phrases to organize massive amounts of keywords or information in a way that identifies the commonalities, differences, and cross-over between the categories and classifications of terms.

That’s it. It may seem like a bunch of academia but break it down and it all seems so simple. It’s not. But now I have defined what the true skill that is required for a successful search marketing campaign. It’s not about worrying about if Google’s next change to the system will ruin your campaign, but about making the best decisions so that no matter what Google does to change the system I know any account I have set up will be successful.