Dynamic Keyword Insertion is Lackluster

Whenever I hear someone who is new to writing AdWords ad copy they inevitably mention great “tricks” they learned from whatever “guru’s” course they took. The first one to always come up is dynamic keyword insertion.

Here is what dynamic keyword insertion is physically: {keyword:alternate text}

So you search for “local laundry service”

And see the ad:

Buy local laundry service
Best deals on local laundry service
Limited quantities. Buy Today.

I went little overboard, but it illustrates the point. You have seen ads like these, where they use the insertion only once, and you have laughed because it was so irrelevant to what you had searched for. I had heard they were so effective from so many sources that I agreed to do it for one client who had been suggesting it for months, to my resistance. Upon testing we discovered a higher CTR, corresponding to an increased bounce rate, lower conversion rate, and higher cost per conversion.

I have not used dynamic keyword insertion since. I find that it is much easier to properly structure an AdWords account so that each ad group is so finely focused that filling in the 25 character headline at least 2/3 of those characters will be the keyword that every phrase in the ad group has in common. Dynamic keyword really is an effective trick, a trick by the platforms on advertisers who just run for the click, no matter who is doing the clicking.