Google Chrome – Why is Google in the Browser Business

With MSN still loosing search market share, and the failed Yahoo bid, you would think that Google would have written them off as competition and figured the software giant would, well…          …stick to software. It seems like Google has other plans than to quietly back away from possible confrontation with Microsoft. The new Google open source browser has been released as a beta: Google Chrome.

I run Chrome on my PC that I use to handle the large spreadsheets I work with. My experience so far has been a generally positive one. It seems to run smoothly, crashing less than Firefox, my up-till-now default browser. I have to admit, I haven’t used Internet Explorer for years. The only problem I have had with Chrome so far is the time it takes with certain graphics, like the graphs in AdWords reports. I would have thought Google would have made sure that Chrome ran all its interfaces smoothly, but I guess they don’t plan to worry about a feature that isn’t used, since the graph can only be saved through a screen shot.

From everything I have taken in on the Tweetisphere it looks like this is Google’s way of shaking up the browser market, by solving several problems that have led to tons of crashes. But its just a beta, and with Google’s never ending betas it will be interesting to see when or if Chrome gets polished up and out of the beta phase.