Mobile Ads Made Easy by Google and Apple

For many B2B companies, that are larger than 5 employees, Google Adwords, and other pay-per-click outlets, are still an emerging media advertising platform. So, mobile pay-per-click advertising lies well within the boundaries of new media. This unfortunately, is counter intuitive, as those who B2B companies are looking to target are the people most likely to be on that new media frontier, plugged in to the latest gadgets and networks.

The C-level executive you are targeting is plugged into his iPhone right now at the airport, searching Google for possible suppliers of your product or service. Does your ad show up? Are you sure? I know you haven’t placed any mobile ads, or any of the other new ad types like newspaper, radio, or TV. The task of just learning how to leverage pay-per –click advertising can be daunting, as you see new ways of tracking your data, and new ways of structuring your advertising efforts.

Guess what? Google has made it easy for you. Google has been serving ads on searches on iPhones. It appears they serve up to three ads, all in that sweet spot in the bottom of the upper third. So don’t worry, if your bid, budget, and placement strategy are all sound, Google will make sure the CEO at the airport sees your ad.

Apple, presumably this is the browser and not Google, will convert phone numbers in ads to click-to-call buttons, making it as easy as possible for prospects to become clients and give your sales force a call.