Native advertising: Tips for top performance

You’ve seen it before: the sponsored content on Facebook and Instagram; the editorial on your favorite news site that plugs a certain product or company — often marked with a “sponsor content” tag up top; even all those nice BMWs in your favorite movie (strange how everyone seems to be driving one, right?).

These are all examples of native advertising, a type of promotional messaging created to look as though it’s a part of the third-party platform or website on which it is hosted. In some cases, the ads “blend in” so well that it’s difficult to recognize the advertisement aspect at all — to the extent that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires advertisers to disclose that the content is, in fact, an ad to avoid misleading consumers.

For marketers, native advertising presents opportunities that traditional display ads simply do not. By developing content that audience can better engage with rather than simply scroll past (or miss completely due to online ad blockers), marketers are seeing better performance and results, with native ads being viewed 25 percent more than display ads, intent to purchase growing 53 percent higher, and brand lift growing by 82 percent.

If this sounds like enough reason to either begin or ramp up your native advertising endeavors, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Make it clear that your ad is in fact an ad — don’t deceive your audience
  • Ensure your message resonates with customers beyond simply naming your product or service
  • Add a logo to help with recall
  • Ensure that your ad matches the look and feel of the site’s content
  • Ensure the landing page you’re driving customers to is relevant to the ad that drove them there in the first place
  • Evaluate your data and optimize as necessary

Movéo has a deep understanding of the growth potential through native advertising. And as a data-driven agency, we know the importance of utilizing data to foster even more growth. Not sure where to get started? Our experts would love to help — contact us today.