16 questions a new marketing firm will ask you — do you know the answers?

If you’re looking to work with a new marketing partner, it’s important to prepare so you can start the partnership off right. A partner firm will need a fair amount of information about your goals, strategy, past successes and failures and more in order to craft a plan that will benefit your organization.

Make sure you know the answers to the following questions so that you can start your marketing partnership off on the right foot.

Goals and strategy

1. What are your CEO’s top business goals for the company this year? What about long-term?

2. What are your top three marketing objectives for this quarter and this year?

3. How do you currently measure success?

Marketing performance to date

4. What marketing tactics are you currently using?

5. What past marketing efforts have shown strong results, positive or negative?  

6. Do you or have you ever used a marketing automation program? If so, which one?

7. Who are your target customers? Are you reaching them?

8. How are you currently segmenting your audience?

9. What is the average ROI of each of your main marketing tactics?

10. How are you aligning marketing tactics with business or sales goals?

Partnership expectations

11. What is your budget?

12. Are you looking for a strategy to guide internal marketing efforts, or a team to create and implement a new marketing strategy?

13. Who is leading your marketing internally? Who do they report to, and who are the main members of their team?

14. Do you prefer to communicate via email or phone?

15. Who will be the main point of contact in this partnership?

16. What would you like to accomplish in the first three months of our partnership? What about in the first year?

Thinking through these questions ahead of time won’t just help your new partner firm, it will also help you organize and better understand your needs and expectations internally before you engage with an outside partner.

For more ideas on how to strengthen your marketing, visit our white paper library.

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