Three things to remember when creating a new type of content

healthcare marketing

If you follow our blog, you know that we love new and innovative content types, from interactive storytelling to live-streaming video. But when it comes to adding a new type of content to your marketing department’s repertoire, you’ll need to plan ahead and stick to the following guidelines in order to find success.

Assess your competition

Before you launch a new content initiative, take a look at what your competition is doing. Will this new content offering set you apart from your competitors? If your competitors are already offering something similar, what can you add that will make an impression to your audience? If your competitors aren’t using this type of content, do they have a good reason that you should take into account? These questions are all crucial.

Assess current goals

One of the first things you need to ask yourself when considering a new content type is how it will fit into your current content strategy and overall marketing goals. Are you interested in this type of content simply because it is trendy or because it will truly add value for your audience?

Figure out also how these content offerings will fit into your buyer’s journey. Will they be positioned at the top of the funnel, or in the decisionmaking stage of your marketing/sales funnel? Plan accordingly as you determine the tone of the piece and allocate your resources based on the impact you expect a piece of content to have on moving a prospect toward a sale.

Assess department resources

Before committing to a content plan, take a good look at the resources you will need to allocate and whether your department is prepared to do so. This evaluation should include financial, human and technological resources. Remember, you will need to test any new content program and adjust accordingly, so be sure to include time to “pivot” in your planning.

Strong content can help you reach buyers long before they are ready to make a purchase and nurture them through their decisionmaking. For more insights, read our white paper, Engaging B2B buyers before the buying process: 4 key steps.


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