Prepare to enter 2016 with renewed purpose

organizational purpose

Earlier this year, we spent a month focused on the importance of organizational purpose, and that conversation is as relevant as ever as we move into 2016.

Why is purpose important? For one thing, it’s the right thing to do. Your organization has an impact on the world through its actions, from advocacy efforts to charitable contributions to supply chain decisions. Shouldn’t that impact be one that fits your values? Creating and operationalizing a strong statement of purpose puts your organization on track to do good for your employees, your customers and your community.

Moreover, organizational purpose is in high demand among jobseekers, especially millennials, as Bob Murphy discussed in his piece for Triple Pundit, Why making an impact is good for recruitment, retention and production. When people can see the concrete impact of your organization’s purpose and corporate social responsibility efforts, they are more likely to want to work there, and to feel more connected to the work they do.

Marketers, make purpose a priority in 2016

This is the perfect time of year to realign your department with overall organizational purpose. That includes making sure that your team is involved in cause-focused initiatives, and building robust messaging around organizational purpose.

In terms of committing to organizational initiatives, encourage your team to take part in any charitable or other programs that your organization is involved in. Perhaps even brainstorm some new ones that would suit your department well and are in line with your organization’s goals and values.

In terms of better communicating your organization’s purpose in your marketing efforts, hold a strategy session to evaluate what aspects of your purpose are and are not resonating with your audience. Consider the channels where you can better showcase the good work your organization is doing, as well as the types of content you can use to do so. Review top examples of B2B organizations that have used digital marketing to make a difference in how the public views various issues, and let them inspire your upcoming work.