Marketing check-in: 21 questions to determine the effectiveness of your expanded targeting strategy

expanded targeting strategy

When your organization broadens its focus to new audiences, it’s important to conduct frequent analysis to determine the impact of your efforts. That means regularly questioning your approach to make sure your targeting tactics are on track.

So marketers, before you go any further with a newly-expanded targeting strategy, ask yourselves these questions:


  • How do we define “awareness”? Is our definition accurately capturing what people know/don’t know about our brand?
  • What percentage of customers in our new target market are aware of our brand today?
  • How is our name recognition in this market compared to that of competitors?
  • Will our strategy promote thought leadership relevant to our new audience?

Building connections

  • Have we identified influencers in this market? Who are they?
  • Are we building influencer relationships that will make an impact with our new audience?


  • Are we collecting actionable data to drive our targeting decisions?
  • What does our data reveal about where we could improve our targeting efforts?  
  • Could we improve our data collection process to obtain more useful insights?
  • What can we learn from comparing these data points to those we have collected in past campaigns?

Progression through the marketing funnel

  • What percentage of prospects in our new target market become marketing-qualified leads (MQLs)?
  • What percentage of MQLs in our new target market become SQLs?
  • Are our leads progressing through the marketing funnel slowly or quickly relative to those in our other markets?

Reaching the right people

  • Are the new contacts we’ve collected through our expanded marketing decision makers?
  • Are our marketing efforts reaching the right people at the right time?
  • What are the most effective content forms to reach our targets? How are we using that form?
  • Are we effectively distributing content in the channels where this audience is most active?
  • Are we offering a product or service that truly adds value to this market, or do we need to adjust who we are pursuing?


  • Are our new contacts responding to our content in a way that moves them down the marketing funnel?
  • How has our market share grown in the new market we’re targeting?
  • What feedback have we collected from our new audience that could help us improve our targeting?

Need help answering your marketing questions? Contact us!

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