The single quality that takes content from good to great

marketing content

Good content, even content that engages and excites readers, doesn’t always result in new leads. There’s one trait that separates the ineffective content from the effective, and unfortunately, much of the content B2B and healthcare companies produce is missing this “secret sauce.”

Effective content spurs audiences into action. It’s really as simple as that. If you can accurately identify your target customer’s problem, demonstrate your ability to solve it, and then show them exactly how to take action, your content will generate new leads. But to create this kind of effective content, you first need to determine what your customers value and how to demonstrate your ability to provide it.

Determine What Your Customers Need and Value

Thanks to the increasing availability to data and business intelligence, it’s easier to understand customer needs today than ever before. Your website analytics and sales data are excellent places to start. Social media also presents unique opportunities to gain customer intelligence in real-time. Companies that want to gain a deeper understanding of their customer needs and pain points should go a step further and utilize quantitative tools like customer surveys, as well as qualitative tools like stakeholder interviews.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

Once you have a solid understanding of your customers’ marketing needs, values, challenges and pain points, it is time to demonstrate your ability to address them.

Strong case studies are an effective tool for demonstrating expertise because they provide concrete examples of how businesses address and resolve customer problems. Well-crafted case studies make clear your company’s involvement in a client’s success without making it all about you. But you should get creative and think beyond the case study as well. Video content, microsites and whitepapers can all be effective vehicles for delivering messages about your ability to solve key customer problems. Just be sure to focus on concrete, real world examples no matter the channel you choose.

Show Your Target Customers How to Take Action

Every piece of content you create must have an end goal. Do you want your audience to subscribe to your newsletter, call your sales team, or make a direct purchase? Whatever your call-to-action may be, it’s crucial to make it singular and painfully clear. Throughout your content, and especially at its conclusion, show your audience the action you want them to take and include a link or button that allows them to act immediately.

Next week, we’ll provide more insights on how to make cross-channel content work for your business. In the meantime, review your content marketing strategy. Is your content as effective as it could be? Is it moving your ideal customers to take action?

Photo credit: John Benson via Flickr Creative Commons, cropped