Using Sales Data to Develop a Marketing Campaign: A Look Behind the Scenes

Sales and marketing alignment sounds great in theory, but what about in practice? Is it really achievable in the real world? To answer that question, let’s take a look at some of our recent work with our client, the Sparton Corporation.

A $400 million provider of design, engineering and contract manufacturing services, Sparton’s work involves manufacturing low volume, complex products in highly regulated industries. Our work with Sparton involved creating a marketing campaign to generate new leads, speed up the sales cycle, and increase revenue.

Initial conversations

In our initial conversations, it became clear that Sparton had no way of tracking their marketing efforts. When we first began working with them, they had no record of the data or metrics that illustrated how marketing impacted their bottom line. As a result, they had no idea if their marketing investment was truly paying off.

Because Sparton had never tracked their marketing efforts before, there wasn’t a lot of direct, historical marketing data to work with. However, there was other data that could be used, and most of it came from the sales team.

Sales data uncovers key points

We set up interviews with Sparton’s leadership team, marketing team, sales professionals and managers to gather qualitative data and insights that would inform our campaign.

As we worked with these different teams, we uncovered information that was to become a key part of our campaign. According to the sales staff, Sparton’s ability to excel at the development of complex machines and parts — including MRI devices, circuit boards, and products that allow for the highly complex process of wet testing in bioengineering — had helped them build a committed customer base. With this differentiator in mind, we developed “Conquering Complexity,” a multi-pronged campaign designed to fill Sparton’s pipeline with new leads and then educating and nurturing those leads before handing them off to sales.

Continued alignment breeds success

When the campaign launched, we worked with the sales team to integrate our marketing efforts with their existing CRM to give them seamless access to marketing leads and the deep intelligence we learned about them. Because our marketing efforts were directly tied to Sparton’s sales system, it became easy for the sales team to determine the source of a new lead, prospect or customer as well as to understand the impact of our various efforts. Sales staff could also tailor their outreach to leads on the basis of deep insights we generated about their behavior and interests.

Movéo delivered 3,381 leads for Sparton in the first nine months of the campaign. These leads represented $19 million in potential opportunities that were added to the Sparton sales pipeline.

Now, we’re using insights from these initial efforts — backed up from data from both marketing and sales — to improve future campaigns and deepen alignment between the two departments. We’re also continuing to fill the pipeline with better, more qualified leads and helping the Sparton sales team convert more of those initial 3,381 leads into customers.

For more on our work with Sparton, watch this space for our upcoming case study.
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