What is Neuropharmagen®?

Precision Genetics is a healthcare technology and informatics company that leverages genetic diagnostics and data analytics to provide prescribing solutions and improve patient outcomes.

Precision Genetics has developed Neuropharmagen®, a patient DNA sample collection kit and genetically-guided decision support tool that helps healthcare professionals provide safer and more effective treatment to patients suffering from mental health disorders.

Neuropharmagen® (NPG) integrates patient genetic data and published drug-drug interactions with patient comorbidities, chronic diseases, and lifestyle factors to deliver a comprehensive view of a particular drug’s likely effects. NPG can be integrated into existing workflows to streamline personalized medicine in psychiatry and reduce the unacceptably high number of adverse drug reactions.


of the variability in response to antidepressants is associated with genetic variants

Importance of Personalized Medicine in Mental Health

Personalized medicine through genetic-guided testing has revolutionized the care of patients with certain cancers or HIV, as well as people who take blood thinners. Genetic-guided testing is a crucial step in identifying which drugs work best for which patients, and which drugs may pose a safety risk. In psychiatry, approximately 42% of the variability in response to antidepressants is associated with genetic variants. Further complicating the treatment path in depression, about 10% of patients discontinue an antidepressant due to side effects.

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Evidence in Clinical Settings

In a study of 450 patients with major depressive disorder, genetic-guided prescribing with Neuropharmagen® (NPG) led to a 1.8-fold increase in the odds of clinical response versus unguided drug selection. Separately, a study of 316 patients with major depressive disorder found a significant decrease in the burden of side effects for patients who received NPG-guided treatment compared to patients who were treated as usual (FIBSER Burden score ≤2, i.e., no general need to address side effects: NPG group, 66.7%; standard care group, 50.0%; odds ratio = 2.0 [95% CI: 1.1, 3.8]).

Clinical Workflow Integration

The NPG interface was developed with input from a panel of psychiatrists to ensure ease of use. NPG can be integrated seamlessly into existing EHR and other laboratory information management systems at all touchpoints in the clinical journey. Clinicians can order a test, link a patient’s profile and history, and view the integrated NPG results within an EHR. Using Precision Genetics’ Aina platform, clinicians can customize the interpretation engine and interact with the outputs—even reanalyze potential drug outcomes at any time based on new research findings.

Administrative Support

Precision Genetics reduces the administrative burdens on clinicians and practices by providing support teams who assist with data entry and EHR integration. We also work directly with insurance carriers to determine coverage of the test. Coverage may vary depending on the plan; testing is covered by various private insurance, traditional Medicare, and Medicare Advantage plans.

The billing process

Reduce Treatment Trial and Error

When the choice of psychiatric medication is individualized and optimized based on genetic-guided test results, patients are less likely to experience side effects or discontinue a drug due to side effects. Genetic-guided testing with NPG offers the opportunity to match patients to a suitable therapy earlier in the course of their disease, reducing the amount of trial and error for the patient and the clinician, and potentially intervening in the disease course before untreated or undertreated depression becomes intractable.

View real-world cases and success stories

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After [y] years of trying and failing to get relief, [Patient A] had NPG testing and is now is responding to treatment with [drug] for major depression

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See how [Dr. X] implemented NPG testing as a regular part of their clinical practice, with the help of the NPG customer service team

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Explore our demonstrated clinical utility

NPG has been tested in over 450 patients of different ethnicities and with major depressive disorder. Benefits shown in clinical trials include genetic-guided recommendations to reduce side effects, switch therapies, or adjust doses.

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Leveraging molecular diagnostics and analytics for personalized prescribing solutions

Precision Genetics is dedicated to a new, more efficient standard-of-care that increases positive patient outcomes for mental health disorders by treating with precision. NPG combines genetic-guided testing and pharmacology data with comprehensive patient-specific data to offer a truly personalized roadmap for patient care.

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Dynamic, easy-to-read report

Neuropharmagen® reports use an easy-to-interpret color coding system to highlight gene-drug interaction alerts, and visual icons for drug-drug and drug-clinical-physiological interactions.

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Ordering a Test is Seamless

To initiate an order, simply follow these 3 easy steps

Step 1: Complete Online Form

Start by completing our online form with your provider credentials, practice, and contact information.

Step 2: Receive Aina Portal Login

Within 24 hours, one of our customer service representatives will contact you to help set up your Aina portal account for ordering.

Step 3: Begin Ordering Tests

Order test through the Aina provider portal. Collection kits will go directly to the patient and you will be notified once report results are ready.

Only healthcare professionals who are licensed and capable of prescribing medication may order a Neuropharmagen® test. Patients can work with their healthcare professional to facilitate ordering a test and can subsequently review the results together. Our goal is to ensure a hassle-free experience from start to finish.

White Paper Download

A close look at the current mental health treatment crisis and the genetic-guided testing solution.

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Transforming Mental Health at the Front Line: Using Data-Driven Genetic Insights in Primary Care

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