12 questions to ask about your healthcare marketing

As you craft a strategic plan for your healthcare marketing, asking the right questions and addressing any areas of concern can strengthen your approach. Have you and your team considered these twelve questions regarding your strategic plan, targeting, and utilization of data to enhance your campaigns?

Strategic plan

1. Has your strategic plan clearly and specifically identified your target audiences?

2. Does your plan set reasonable goals that can be translated into actionable tactics?

3. Does your strategic plan address how marketing contributes to the overall needs of the organization (such as patient growth or brand recognition)?

4. Is your plan based on extensive market research and data, so that you’ve got all information necessary to drive informed tactics?

Targeting and reach

5. What sources are trusted by your audience, and how can you reach and engage audience members through those points of contact?

6. Have you used buyer personas to segment your audience into the specific groups that will be receptive to your message?

7. Have you evaluated the best ways to spend your budget to maximize your reach while effectively targeting your ideal audience?

8. Who is the final decision-maker, and who influences their decisions to buy? Are you planning to reach everyone involved in your marketing?


9. Are you accurately tracking which marketing materials lead to conversions?  

10. If your data collection includes protected medical data of any type, is it being collected and used in line with state and federal regulations?

11. What are you doing to ensure that your data is clean?

12. Have you built regular data evaluation and related campaign modification into your plan?

If you’re looking for more advice on how strong marketing can benefit your organization, read our white paper, Ten simple truths about strong brands

10 simple truths about strong brands

Read white paper