A Must-Read: Not Your Father’s B2B

As you know, we don’t often recommend external downloads here on Get There, but this piece is simply too good to keep to ourselves. Two weeks ago,  Marketing Profs and TopRank released an e-book called, “Not Your Father’s B2B,” that promises to “help you escape the dullsville of old fashioned B2B marketing,” and “bring some modern innovation to the classic world of business to business marketing.” It certainly lives up to its promise.

The e-book centers around a list of 33 ways to innovate in B2B marketing, and each tip is expanded upon by a different B2B marketing expert. Contributors include industry thought leaders like Joe Pulizzi, Paul Gillin and Joe Yeager. We learned a thing or two ourselves from this e-book, and we’re sure you will, too.

Some of our favorite tips from the e-book include:

9. Borrow freely. Roberta Rosenberg encourages B2B marketers not to get sucked into the mindset that B2B is less creative than B2C, and to borrow from our B2C counterparts to create something truly resonant.

11. Buyers are people, too. Amanda Maksymiw reminds B2B marketers that their customers don’t become different people as soon as they arrive to the office. She says there is no need to treat B2B buyers as a different species from regular consumes, and we couldn’t agree more.

26. Tell stories. Cisco’s Tom Washer provides an example of the power of stories and encourages B2B marketers to find and tell the stories of their best customers for maximum impact.

Want more? You can download the entire e-book here.

Featured image via: Top Rank