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As we stand on the cusp of a new era shaped by artificial intelligence (AI), the integration of AI into organic Google Search has revolutionized the way we find and interact with information online. In this blog post, we explore the ongoing changes to organic Google Search through the lens of AI integration, delve into the potential impact of generative AI, and discuss the opportunities that may come along the way.

Understanding organic Google Search

Before we dive into AI’s integration within Google Search, let’s recap on what exactly organic Google Search entails. Organic search results refer to the non-paid listings that appear when a user enters a query into a search engine. These organic search results are determined by Google’s search algorithm, which evaluates a multitude of factors in order to rank web pages based on their relevance and authority to a user’s query.

The evolution of AI in Google Search

Google Search has been steadily integrating AI into its search algorithms for years, continually fine-tuning their AI software’s ability to understand user intent and deliver more accurate results through gathered information and available online data. The introduction of RankBrain in 2015 marked a significant milestone, as this AI-driven algorithm component helped interpret and process complex user search queries, enhancing the overall search experience. So what does that mean for search today? A richer, more nuanced grasp of natural language, context, and more.

Current AI search integrations

  • Natural language understanding: Google’s integration of advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms will enable it to comprehend user queries in a more human-like manner, leading to more relevant search results.
  • Contextual understanding: AI’s ability to understand context is improving rapidly. With this integration, Google will become adept at understanding the context of a search query based on the user’s search history, location, and previous interactions, resulting in personalized and contextually accurate search results.
  • Richer snippets and summaries: AI can analyze web page content and generate concise summaries that directly answer user queries. This means users may see richer search result snippets that provide instant answers, reducing the need to click through multiple links.
  • Visual and voice search enhancements: AI-powered algorithms will greatly enhance visual and voice search capabilities. Visual searches will become more accurate in identifying objects within images, while voice search will better understand spoken queries and provide more conversational responses.
  • Predictive searching: With AI’s predictive capabilities, Google can suggest search queries as users type, helping them formulate queries more effectively and potentially leading to quicker search results.
  • Fighting misinformation: AI can assist in identifying and flagging potentially misleading or false information in search results, contributing to a more trustworthy search environment.

The rise of generative AI in Google Search

The next frontier in Google Search is the integration of generative AI. Launched in beta-testing in early 2023, Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) aims to significantly elevate the user experience by seamlessly integrating within Google Search’s already familiar interface. While this feature is still in beta-testing, the anticipation is palpable. What we’re seeing so far is that SGE goes beyond search engine ‘richer snippets’ and ‘summaries’ by answering user queries in a single, accurate response. But this is just the beginning …

The integration of generative AI into Google Search delivers distinct benefits to users. Traditional AI integrations enhance relevance, save time, provide personalized results, and increase the accuracy and trustworthiness of search results. In contrast, generative AI—being a more advanced form—aims to further elevate the user experience by delivering concise and direct answers, suggesting pertinent follow-up questions, and preserving the context of previous searches.

In conclusion

The integration of AI into organic search isn’t just a technological advancement; it’s a step towards a more sophisticated and user-centric digital era with greater opportunities for reaching prospective customers. From better understanding user intent to delivering personalized results, these changes will undoubtedly make the search experience more intuitive, efficient, and gratifying. As users, we can look forward to a future where our queries are met with results that are not only relevant but also deeply attuned to our needs. For marketers, it means that online content must be aligned with Google’s new capabilities.

As beta testers, Movéo is closely monitoring developments and will provide a comprehensive write-up on SGE once the beta achieves greater stability. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn how you can prepare your website for the upcoming evolution of the search landscape.


Gruetzemacher, Ross. “The Power of Natural Language Processing.” Harvard Business Review (AI And Machine Learning ), April 19, 2022, https://hbr.org/2022/04/the-power-of-natural-language-processing.

Reid, Elizabeth. “Supercharging Search with generative AI.” Google (The Keyword), May 10, 2023,  https://blog.google/products/search/generative-ai-search.

Dean, Brian. “Google RankBrain: The Definitive Guide.” Backlinko,  https://backlinko.com/google-rankbrain-seo.