A Two-Part Formula for Content Marketing Success

One of the biggest challenges that most companies face when it comes to content marketing is developing enough high quality content to feed their various channels and keep their audience interested. Content creation is a lot of work, and typically requires coordination between several different departments or practice areas. But what if content creation wasn’t the only key to content marketing success?

We believe that the best content marketing programs are built around a simple, two-part formula:

Content Creation + Content Curation = Content Marketing Success

While some companies feel that they have to create every piece of content they share from scratch, we disagree. We think that a combination of original content and curated content is the way to go.

High quality, original content cannot be beat. It positions you as a thought leader and adds new ideas to a marketplace that is already overrun with copycats and repeats. But it is also extremely labor intensive.

Devoting approximately half of your content marketing time to content creation and the other half to content curation means you’ll be able to focus on making your original content the best it can be. It also means that you’ll be able to keep your community interested and engaged even when you don’t have a new piece of original content to share. Finally, sharing interesting content from others that’s related to your area of expertise shows your community that you have your fingers on the pulse or your industry, and are looking outside your own company for ideas, inspiration and best practices.

So next time you feel overwhelmed about all the content you need to develop, remember that you have the option to curate just as much content as you create.

Featured image via: Top Rank