B2B and B2C buyer journeys converging in new ways

A study by Forrester commissioned by Adobe finds that B2C and B2B buyer journeys now share more similarities than differences.

While certain aspects of the B2B sale will likely always be unique (e.g., team buying, longer buying journeys, etc.), in a number of other ways the two have started to mirror each other. Specifically:

  • Rising expectations for a frictionless, “B2C-like” buying experience in B2B (e.g., e-commerce)
  • The B2B customer becoming more fickle — like a consumer — as barriers are removed to customer movement
  • Younger B2B buyers doing online research, seeking opinions, and being mobile-centric
  • The B2C buyer infusing more data-driven, rational behavior into even simple buying decisions (e.g., movies, restaurants, etc.).

Movéo insight

One of the convergence areas most likely to impact B2B marketers is the increasing desire of B2B buyers to remain anonymous longer into the buyer journey — again echoing consumer preference. This may mean delaying certain questions until prospects have indicated greater readiness to provide qualifying information through their digital behavior. However, when they do want to be known, these same prospects expect to be recognized with personalized content. These new hybrid buyers want it both ways — and they will increasingly get it.