Movéo was in the house as Guy Kawasaki, former Apple software evangelist and author of “Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions” spoke at this year’s Business Marketing Association conference (themed “Grow”).

Kawasaki offered a number of suggestions to marketers to inspire the “enchantment” he said businesses need in order to succeed. These revolved around three pillars: trust, likability and quality.

Among Guy’s “nuggets of wisdom”:

Plant many seeds. In the past, Kawasaki said, marketers “sucked up” to journalists and analysts who would endorse their products. Today, top-down marketing has largly been replaced by social media.

Offer excellent products and services. Powerful functionality, “intelligent” addressing of customer needs, elegant design and a full complement of services and support behind products are the way to win customers.

Use “salient points” when describing products. Obscure attributes that promote product features are not nearly as compelling to customers as descriptions of how the product can make a difference in their lives.

Build an ecosystem of support with other companies with a stake in your success. “These people and companies want you to succeed, because if you fail they fail. Don’t go it alone. Share the wealth and responsibility,” Guy advised.

Missed the BMA conference? You can view similar Guy Kawasaki speeches on “enchantment” here.

Attended the BMA conference? Who was your favorite speaker?