On Monday, we discussed the growing need for Brand Empathy among B2B marketers. The internet has changed the buying process for businesses, and brands no longer have the influence they once did in the middle of the sales cycle. Branding is no less important, but today, companies must gain influence at a different time: before a consumer enters the buying process. Enter Brand Empathy –  the perception that your company deeply cares about a prospect’s needs, challenges, and the marketplace in which it operates. Here are three reasons why this strategy is so important:

You can frame the debate

Beyond just shopping for a product or service, B2B buyers are out to solve a problem or fill an unmet need. If your company can frame the debate around a problem, and generate conversations about how to solve it, you can influence your prospect’s thinking about how to do so. Later, this will influence their purchase. Making the buyer feel like part of the conversation engages them in a way that will pay off in the end, and being the one to start the conversation implies subliminally that you’re the expert.

Align your approach with the problem

By putting yourself on the forefront of the conversation about the problem your company solves, you identify yourself as the leader in the industry. With enough active engagement, you become the “marker” by which other brands area measured. Being first in the buyer’s mind puts you at a clear advantage when they enter the buying process.

Show that you care

Although many feel that B2B sales are less personal than B2C sales, there is an emotional element in B2B purchasing that can’t be ignored. Brand Empathy is demonstrating that you care about the buyer’s problem. You listen, and you understand their needs. Most importantly, you have the answer. B2B buyers are more likely to become your customer when they feel understood.

The essence of Brand Empathy is making potential customers feel like you have the cure before they are even looking for it. Because they know your brand, they’ll know you can solve their problem. When it’s time to buy, they’ll come straight to your door.

Look for more posts about cultivating Brand Empathy in the weeks to come!