Brand voice. It’s the way your brand sounds, the way it speaks, the way its personality comes through in text. It’s also one of the most often overlooked aspects of brand building. And that’s a shame, because brand voice, when it’s carefully managed, can be a highly effective method of differentiation.

Take Apple, for example. From the first generation of iMacs to the introduction of the new MacBook Air, this brand has maintained a consistent and distinctive voice. It’s embodied by directness and simplicity –– on saying less and conveying more. Even the brand’s TV commercials (arguably the most copy-laden of its marketing executions) keep the Mac character’s lines short and to the point. This, in turn, reinforces Mac’s brand positioning.

Here’s an interesting thought experiment: Try to imagine the Mac/PC spots with the Mac character delivering a longwinded “hard sell.” Pretty strange, right? That’s due, in part, to the fact that such a speech would step outside the established brand voice.

So if having a brand voice is good, how do you get one?  It starts with a well-defined brand.  Working with an experienced copywriter that has a deep understanding of the brand is critical. He or she can likely help you experiment with various writing styles and zero in on one that best expresses your brand.
Author:  Irene Wescott, Associate Creative Director