Don’t forget that content is measurable

Ever find yourself up to your neck in content production, but wishing you had time to pay more attention to data and analytics in the moment? Yeah. Us too.

Deadlines and incessant social media chatter make it easy to bury yourself in content, but taking the time to dig into data is worth it. In fact, it’s necessary. It’s your job to not only create stellar content, but to measure how it’s working.

Three reasons you should commit to data:

Content should be tailored to your audience.

If you follow the metrics of each piece of content as you go, you will understand what engages your audience most. Armed with that knowledge, you can give your community more of what they like. This is crucial, because providing that kind of value increases engagement and leads to new prospects and bigger sales.

How much is too much?

The internet has made us content machines. There’s no getting around that, but getting to know your metrics will help you identify the ideal volume for your community. Many marketers have reduced content based on metrics, only to find themselves with increased results. Use your data to find that sweet spot.

Scheduling problems.

Along with the question of volume comes the question of frequency. Once you have good content, how often and where should you post it? Using marketing automation software and analytics, identify the times that your community is most willing to click or respond. Capitalize on that data, and you’ll get great returns from each piece of content created.

When it comes to content marketing, data is key. How have metrics helped you be more effective?

Image via (cc) Beatrice Murch