With the web continuing to be a necessary marketing tool, more and more companies and businesses are jumping on the blog bandwagon to share information and expertise. Being semi-new to the blog practice, I can only speak on what I know so far about what works and what doesn’t.

Here are a few tips I’ve picked up in my short time in the blogosphere.

1.    Keep things short. Most people crave useful information, but dislike reading. Make your point, and make it quickly.

2.    Watch your grammar. Your blog entry can be laid back and casual, but don’t leave it riddled with misspellings and awkward sentence construction. Your reader could get confused –– or worse, annoyed  –– and lose interest.

3.    Get a little spunky. A fun blog post is one that people will want to read. Add in wit that’s appropriate for your audience and you’re sure to please the reader.

4.    Know your audience. The Movéo blog caters to readers from the advertising and marketing worlds, which includes many of our clients. With extensive experience in the industries, Movéo knows what our clients want and what makes them tick. Keeping that in mind, we aim to keep our blogs relevant to the needs of our readers.

These aren’t hard and fast rules, but they’re a good start. I’ve learned them through writing my own and also reading entries from various other writers. In the end, it’s really just about finding your voice and putting it out there in a format that others will want to read. Good luck.

Vicki Treptow, Copywriter