Employees first — educate them on the value of LinkedIn

To continue our month-long exploration of maximizing social platforms, this week is dedicated to LinkedIn. Because this network didn’t make a quick rise to the top like Pinterest and isn’t a place to share every detail of life like Facebook, some people overlook its potential. We are here to attest to the many ways that LinkedIn can pay off for professionals and the companies they represent, especially those in the B2B sector.

While there are many ways for companies to have a presence on LinkedIn, they won’t do you much good if your own team is not utilizing the platform. First and foremost, you must get your employees on board. Make sure they are aware of the LinkedIn potential and encourage them to develop their personal profiles and interact with the company page.

In the B2B space, there is no form of social media more valuable than LinkedIn. It allows targeted conversations in niche fields — just what a software company who markets exclusively to airlines, for example, might need. It allows companies that create highly complex products to start conversations with people who are invested. This ultimately leads to a stronger network and more selling power for those leading the conversation.

If you sense that your employees aren’t taking full advantage of LinkedIn, hold a lunch & learn – or perhaps a series of them – to educate employees on its value and how to use it to help themselves and the company. Once you’ve shown them how to optimize their personal profiles, get them involved on the company page.

Soon, your employees will be connecting with other professionals in your industry, which will cause your company’s content – and product – to travel faster and further than ever before. The time spent on internal training will pay off with a quality network built specifically for your company.

Are your employees using LinkedIn along with you? Has it paid off?

Image via (cc) Infusionsoft