Five Website Features That Improve Conversion

The success of any website lies in its conversion rate. Gone are the days when simply building site traffic was sufficient; today, those visits must be converted into something more – direct leads or sales. Though increasing conversion can seem like a daunting task for B2B companies, we believe it is not as hard as it sounds.

Here are five website features that improve conversion rates:

Prominent Opt-in Forms

This may seem obvious, but many companies camouflage their opt-in forms because they are under the belief that they are unattractive or that customers will take the initiative to seek them out. This is not always the case. A customer is more likely to sign up when the form is clear and the process is easy.


B2B companies should take advantage of every opportunity to showcase their product or services. Adding a video feature to the site makes visitors feel more engaged and, therefore, more likely to become a direct lead.


One of the easiest ways to increase conversion is to provide positive peer recommendations. Use your website to provide testimonials in whatever format works for you, whether it is video, reviews, or positive press.


Your call-to-action should be the most prominent thing on your site. All other content should be built around this, your foremost goal. Make it very clear to your customers what you are asking of them, and most importantly, make it easy for them to respond.

Proven Success

Your website’s content should be created with the intention of proving success. Offering white papers on topics in your field are a way to demonstrate your ability, and a case studies page allows prospects to get to know your work more deeply, from whichever angle interests them most.

For B2B marketers, increasing conversion rates requires consistent reexamination of your website’s functionality and content. With some attention, your leads and sales will directly benefit from your efforts.

What has been your website’s most valuable conversion tool?

(Image credit: Yahoo! Yodel)