Four essential parts of a content resource center

Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the need for great content marketing. As you develop your own team, it’s your job to equip them with the tools for success. Sometimes, this means investing in new technology, but believe it or not, one of the most valuable ways to prepare them won’t cost a thing. That’s a no brainer, right?

So before you do anything else related to content marketing, create a content resource center for your company. Give it to your content team, and in the future, hand it to new team members on day one.

Here are the four essential parts of a good content resource center:

1. Writing and Style Guide

Writing and style guidelines are a crucial part of your content resource center. It should include not only your grammatical preferences, but stylistic tips for the brand. Put another way, it should help even the best writers tap into your brand voice with effortless finesse.

2. Market Research

Your resource center is the place to recap your target insights and market research for your content team. Give them the facts in bite-sized, usable formats that will be easy to remember and incorporate into planning.

3. Goals and Vision

A good content resource center has the ability to shape brand voice and strategy, so include a summary of the greater company vision. Short and long term goal reminders are helpful to reference, because they help shape content priorities whenever there’s a question.

4. Top-notch Example

When creating a content resource center for your team, take the opportunity to lead by example. Make the format and copy every bit as engaging as you hope their future output will be. By putting in the extra time and effort, you’ll leave them more likely to use it – and inspired to emulate your high standards every day.

Don’t forget that everything your company produces – emails, reports, posts – are all a form of content. Go ahead — share your content resource center with the entire company. It’ll encourage cohesiveness across the board, and they’ll thank you later.

Image via (cc) Nic McPhee