Gain followers and traction visually

As a B2B marketer, you might not consider Pinterest your go-to social medium. But take it from us, Pinterest is a surprisingly effective way to gain leads. Collect followers, gain traction by engaging them visually, and get them to your subscription page. Here’s how:

Post quality content

This starts it all. Without quality content, you have no way of collecting followers, much less engaging them. Pin images that are related to your industry in fresh, unexpected ways, and pin products that your employees love, or their favorite recipes to share at the office. Integrate the people who work for you with the customers who buy from you, pinning things that help bridge the gap between the two. Demonstrate your company’s quirks and interests, and followers who like similar things will come. Finally, be an educational resource for your community by sharing information you know they’ll find useful.

Stimulate visual engagement

Here’s where the two-way street comes into play with Pinterest. Take note of your followers behaviors; what are they repinning, and what times of day do they like to pin? Provide them with more of the content they like, and pin at strategic times of day to catch them. At the same time, follow others who are connected to you, and repin their content, or give it a “like” or a comment. Participating in this visual dialogue will pull your followers in, and at this point, you almost have a lead.

Link directly to your newsletter

After you have established a strong,engaged follower base with your high-quality content, make a graphic you know will appeal to them – perhaps a much-loved infographic – and have it link directly to your newsletter subscription page. People who click through the subscription pin are probably much warmer leads than someone who simply visits your site and signs up, because they are already invested in your company’s culture and work, thanks to your Pinterest presence.

Have you ever gained leads through Pinterest? Share your story with us in the comments below or on Twitter.

Image via (cc) MKHMarketing