I have a confession: I love grammar. As far as most people are concerned, this marks me –– at best –– as very odd. But I have good reason to feel this way. As a writer, communication is at the heart of my craft, and good grammar is at the heart of communication.

In my opinion, too many people have an irrational fear of grammar. Believe it or not, it’s designed to help us –– by clarifying meaning. Take, for example, the title of Lynn Truss’ most recent book, “Eats, Shoots and Leaves.” As the cover (which depicts a panda holding a gun) illustrates, nuances of meaning are contained in the way we structure and punctuate our sentences. In this case, the mere presence of a comma can alter the meaning of the title. Without it, the title describes panda behavior. But with the comma, it MUST be read as a series of actions –– eating, shooting and leaving.

That brings me to my point. In business communications, clarity is particularly important –– not only for those creating the messages, but also for those receiving them. By following the rules of grammar, our communications have the best chance of being understood by the widest audience.  So ask yourself: Are your communications as clear they could be? For a quick brushup, check out

Irene Wescott, Associate Creative Director